Is it only the Cleaning Contractor who is responsible for cleaning, or should we all take an active role in keeping our workplace clean? To have a clean office the whole team needs to be involved.

Cleaning its not just what the cleaning contractor does

From a psychological standpoint we have only a few seconds to make the first impression on people. Judgements are made on a premises or an organisation based on these initial observations of staff and visitors alike. This is likely rooted in our DNA from our early evolutionary need to quickly establish risks and dangers certain environments could pose. These initial observations have the ability to make or break a business, and can determine if the experience will be a positive or negative one. Clients with a great first impression will in all likelihood have a positive experience which could lead to a fruitful business relationship. 

Perception of clean?

Have you ever walked into a room with a fresh citrus scent and had the thought, “wow this smells really clean”. Smell is a certainly one of the key senses we use to identify danger.

Cleaning its not just what the cleaning contractor does

However we should not judge a book by its cover. Is it really clean or is it just perception. There are a number other visual clues we can rely on to assist with make this judgement  such as

  • Overflowing Bins
  • Dirty desks
  • Muddy washrooms
  • And bad odours

As businesses, we should be aware of these areas, especially where the cleaning team only work outside of office hours. Doesn’t it make you feel great to come into the office first thing in the morning and find the office all clean, bins emptied and washrooms sparkling. It gives you a sense of comfort knowing that your office has been professionally cleaned.

However over the period of the day, an office with dirty and disorganised desks, an overflowing trash can, washrooms with no soap and paper towels and wetness around the sink are all visual signs that suggest a dirty washroom and office. On the contrary, neat and tidy offices with bins emptied, well stocked hand washing supplies heighten the sense that an area is being properly cleaned and taken care of. Also, a cleaning checklist showing the last time the restroom was cleaned can reassure users about ongoing cleaning activities. These are all easy to manage tasks quickly performed during the work day.

Cleaning its not just what the cleaning contractor does

What might seem clean, may not really be clean, take a look at the stats on your desk. You might think your desk is pretty clean, but take a look at what’s lurking:

  • Keyboards contain 70 percent more bacteria than a toilet seat.
  • Office phones host around 100,000 germs.
  • Office desks are more than 400 times dirtier than a toilet seat.
  • The area on your desk where your hands rest has around 10,000 bacteria.

Good smells are also associated with the perception that a space is clean. Obviously, nobody wants just a good smelling dirty room, but a hint of deodorant can be the difference between a good first impression or a negative one. 

Cleaning its not just what the cleaning contractor does, habits to practise in the office.

The reality is that we don’t treat the office as we would our on home even though we spend so much of our time at the office. At home if we make a mess we will clean it up, the same cannot be said for most offices. How many time have you found the washroom in a terrible state during the day. One of the colleagues left it that way, would this be the same at home? How would a client or potential client feel about walking into the same washroom?

Cleaning its not just what the cleaning contractor does

Companies have realised Cleaning it’s not just what the cleaning contractor does and working in a clean environment can help employees work to the best of their abilities, reducing stress and giving them a sense of pride. So what can we all do to make a difference?  We can start with our desks. This is our home away from home, and we spend a significant amount of time here. Organise your desk daily, and keep it as tidy as possible. As a general rule, try to have a clear desk policy, mainly so that the cleaning team can get to all the areas of your desk to clean it effectively. 

Common areas, like kitchen and canteen, are the areas where all the colleagues meet and congregate for breaks and downtime at the office. The simple rule for these areas is to leave the area as you would like to find it. Some goods tips are the following:

  • Wipe the table or area when you are finished using an antibacterial wipe.
  • Sweep up any crumbs and wipe up spillages.
  • Was your dishes, dry and pack away or place in the dishwasher.
  • Dispose of rubbish into the correct recycling bin.

Washrooms are a natural area where dirt accumulates and germs can spread. Once again follow the general rule of leave the washroom as you would like to find it. Nobody enjoys finding a wet toilet seat or dirty toilet. Some good tips are the following:

  • Check the stall before leaving to ensure it is as you would like to find it.
  • Use the facilities as they intended to be.
  • Wash hands carefully so as not to spill water on the floor.
  • Dispose of hand towels in the bin.
  • Report any problem to facilities management.

Why is this cleaning important, When Cleaning its not just what the cleaning contractor does?

In clean environments where good cleaning systems are performed correctly, they can ensure general health. Cleaning must reduce risks and guarantee a permanent safe and low level of bacteria and viruses. Obviously, environments must be cleaned regularly to keep it under control. Your cleaning contractor will have a good cleaning system in place which should include the following 5 basic requirements:

  1. Cleaning Schedule for the environment and equipment in the school.
  2. Staff plan detailing the staff requirements.
  3. Staff Training.
  4. Health and safety information for the site
  5. COSSH details for any substances used on site.
Specialist Commercial and Industrial Cleaning across the UK

Cleaning its not just what the cleaning contractor does and thus to ensure the environment is kept clean during the day through a few basic steps the overall effectiveness in terms of cost and results can be greatly improved when the clean is at the forefront of everyone mind in the office. And most of all this can be good for the staff moral and for the all-important first impression.

At NIC we can assist you to develop a holistic cleaning program, contact us.

Specialist Commercial and Industrial Cleaning across the UK
Specialist Commercial and Industrial Cleaning across the UK

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