Cleaning of Schools and Education environment
Cleaning of Schools

What standards are required for cleaning schools? The cleaning standards in the school environment is an extremely important function of maintaining a school and for the control of hygiene standards and infection of which the importance is often overlooked.

What is required for correct cleaning standards for schools? The system for the cleaning of school must ensure that the school environment is cleaned correctly to ensure the staff and pupils have a pleasant environment to attend daily. The system should include a complete solution for the hygiene of the school and the safety of the staff and learners. This should include the following 5 basic requirements.

  1. Cleaning Schedule for the environment and equipment in the school.
  2. Staff plan detailing the staff requirements.
  3. Staff Training.
  4. Health and safety information for the site
  5. COSSH details for any substances used on site.
Specialist Commercial and Industrial Cleaning teams for Education environment cleaning
Specialist Commercial and Industrial Cleaning

The cleaning standard should be exceptional and set to where the school is clean and hygienic for the staff and students. The cleaning standard achieved by the cleaning team must be verified by regular Audits.

Cleaning Audits

Formal cleaning Quality Audits should be completed by the cleaning team supervision in order to measure the success of the system and the delivery of the service by the cleaning team. A good system for Audits is based on the R A G – Red, Amber, Green traffic light system. 

GREEN – The audit has met the required standards, the system is performing well and there are no corrective actions to be completed by the cleaning team.

AMBER – The audit has shown that the system has not met the required standards with only minor non-conformances. Each non-conformance must be evaluated and a plan of action should be then formulated to address the issues found. This must be communicated with the cleaning team and a date agreed to address the non-conformance. A followup audit is scheduled to ensure that the non-conformance is closed off..

RED – The audit has shown that the system has failed to meet the standards with serious non-conformances. Each non-conformance must be evaluated and an action plan should immediately put together to correct non-conformance. This must be communicated with the cleaning team and date agreed to address the non-conformance. Training of the team to ensure the entire team is aware of the standards should be provided to ensure the standards are met in the future. A follow-up audit should be scheduled as soon as possible to ensure corrective actions are effective. 

Specialist Commercial and Industrial Cleaning across the UK
Specialist Commercial and Industrial Cleaning across the UK

Cleaning contract

A commercial cleaning company with relevant expertise, will be able to provide a fully managed system with the correct equipment, staff and consumables to provide the results that are required. They will have all the required systems, procedures, training and equipment to provide a complete service to meet the requirements. A Comprehensive cleaning contract with a service provider should include essential elements including but not limited to the following:

Cleaning Schedule

The Cleaning Schedule what’s required for cleaning schools? The cleaning schedule is a detailed breakdown of all the items and areas in the environment, this is the road map for the cleaning team. The cleaning schedule should include all areas and items in the environment to be cleaned and divided into areas to be cleaned daily, weekly, and periodic as per requirements. The cleaning schedule should identify who, what, when, and how areas are to be cleaned.

Specialist Commercial and Industrial Cleaning across the UK for the Education environment
Specialist Commercial and Industrial Cleaning across the UK

Cleaning blood and body fluid spills

All spillages of blood, faeces, saliva and vomit should be cleaned up immediately, wearing personal protective equipment especially gloves, eye protection and face masks. The Cleaning of spillages should be done using a product which combines detergent and disinfectant, and ensure it is effective against both bacteria and viruses and reduce the risk of spreading. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using chemicals and familiarise yourself with the COSSH sheets provided. Use disposable paper towels or cloths to cleaning up blood and body fluid spills, and dispose of correctly after use. A spillage kit should be available for blood spills.

Toys and equipment

Toys can easily become contaminated with organisms from infected children through the normal day to day playing with the toys. So it is important that they are scheduled for regular cleaning.

If toys are shared amongst the pupils, it is strongly recommended that only hard toys are made available because they can be wiped clean after play. The condition of toys and equipment should be kept and maintained in a good condition and the condition of the toys should regulaliry monitored, during this process any damaged item that cannot be cleaned or repaired should be discarded as these toys could increase the risk as they are not able to be properly cleaned.

Soft modelling and play dough should be replaced regularly or whenever they look dirty and should be included in the schedule.

Colour Coding

It is vital that cleaning equipment is not used in areas that can cause the cross contamination of areas, for example kitchens and toilets. Therefor it is important that a proper colour coding system is defined so that equipment will only be used in specific areas to prevent cross contamination.

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Specialist Commercial and Industrial Cleaning across the UK

Cleaning Products

Cleaning chemicals what’s required for cleaning schools? Cleaning chemicals and consumables are another important part of the cleaning system. These must be carefully selected to be fit for use and provide the end results required. Cleaning products must be stored and used in accordance with Control of Substances of Hazardous to Health (COSHH), especially out of reach from anybody not trained in their use. The relevant fact sheets for the cleaning products used should be displayed and easily accessible for the cleaning team. Detergents with the EN1276 mark should be used where ever possible, as this will guarantee that the anti-bacterial properties have been tested and verified by an independent body.

Cleaning Equipment

Cleaning equipment, what’s required for cleaning schools? Cleaning equipment must be selected based on suitability for the task and environment it is to be used. Cleaning equipment can vary for basic mops and buckets and vacuum cleaners to automated equipment like scrubbers and specialised equipment. Equipment must be cleaned or if required replaced regularly. all electrical equipment should be PAT tested yearly. Mops and cloths should be cleaned after use and consideration when required to use disposable cloths and mop heads.

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Specialist Commercial and Industrial Cleaning across the UK


Regular training of the team on the system, methods and standards is recommeded. The cleaning team should receive training which meets the British Institute of Cleaning Science Standards (BICSc) to ensure the training is of a high standard and covers all the required areas.. Training on the relevant tasks that are required to be performed in the cleaning schedule, and on the specific equipment to be used as part of the contract. Training should also be done on areas such as Health and Safety, PPE usage, COSHH and cross contamination. Team members should be regularly audited to check the standard of work and highlight any further training requirements.

Need help with your cleaning system?

NIC Services Group as Specialist cleaners with extensive experience and over 40 operational centers across the UK offers comprehensive cleaning programs and sanitation solutions to reduce the risk of Corona Virus (Covid-19) within Commercial and Industrial environments. We have extensive experience in schools across the UK and provide a quality and professional service. Complete your details on our contact form and we will gladly contact you to see how we can help you alternatively you can read more on Eduction Services

Contact NIC for any Cleaning and Sanitising needs you may have to ensure your school is hygienically clean.

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